Today was Kyra's last full day in her Toddler's class. Next week, she begins the transition to the Two's program, with some of her old pals JD, Brennan, Duce and Isabella. I went to her class today and brought cupcakes, which as you can see the children enjoyed... and we sang Happy Birthday, which Kyra really enjoyed. I wanted to bring something else to the classroom to signify that it was her birthday, but really had no idea what to bring... only mylar balloons are allowed, and well, I was too cheap to bring each kid one of those... Goodie Bags for 1 year olds? I think not.
So at the last minute, I opted to bring in each child & teacher a carnation (remember I'm cheap). Kyra LOVED handing them out and a couple kids rather enjoyed them, but mostly the flower broke off the stem & the remainders were put in each child's cubby. Oh well.
The best part of the "party" was hearing her teachers tell me all kinds of stories about her - how she monitors the other children when they are eating lunch (asking "All done?" and taking their plate away), how she sits herself between 2 of her friends and rubs their backs before nap and how she constantly wonders what each teacher is doing, asking "What Ms. Kim doing?" and "Ms. Kristin go potty." Both Ms. Kim & Ms. Kristin said they were going to be very sad to see her move on to the Two's... I know how they feel. Don't get me wrong - she is more than ready to move on... but it's hard to believe she's already two and a Toddler No More.