So on Saturday, my neighborhood had its annual Garage Sale, a factoid I only remembered when I went out in my PJs to get Friday's mail!! Brad went out to get some coffee and came back with this tractor. Now, I should mention - asking price was $10 and it was broken! Not entirely, my man is rather handy & was able to fix it, but did he negotiate this price? No - he paid the 10 bucks. So if you have some semi-junk to sell, you should seriously consider inviting Brad over to take a look at it. Oh and if you do, don't sing "Daddy bought a broken toy" as this will really infuriate him...
He actually made me go back over to the same house to check out the clothes. Now, I'm all for hand me downs - Kyra has benefitted from quite a few of Mia's clothes. But buying from a stranger???? No, I think not - just sounds gross. I went over there anyway, because Brad said it would be a good way to meet some neighbors. Well, let's just say that $20 later, I walked away with some adorable things for Kyra & some great play clothes for Henry (I mean, 75 cents for a Batman t-shirt? You can't beat that).
You're wondering if I negotiated to get this price?? Um, not exactly... although the only reason I bought any of the clothes for Kyra was because she said they were half price, so kind of!!!