On Tuesday, we met the Bush family (Jim, Jeanine, Tyler & Travis) at the Seneca Park Zoo... it is beyond crazy how many cool things there are for kids in Rochester!!
The zoo in Rochester is not all that big, but it has your basic animals: tigers, polar bear, sea lions, rhino, monkeys, elephants. The elephants have a new "swimming pool" this year but they weren't in it while we were there. There is also a play ground so while the kids walked around & saw animals or climbed on jungle gyms & slides, it gave Jeanine & I a chance to catch up.
When we left the zoo, we forced the kids to take a nap, because that evening, we met Nana, Honey, Mildy, Mema, Uncle Andy & Odette at the Rochester Red Wings game (minor league baseball). Frontier field is somewhat new & very nice. My kids love baseball games - but I imagine because whenever we go they always get a hat & stuffed team mascot!! The Red Wings stunk to the high heavens, losing something like 12 to 4, but when taking Kyra to the bathroom, who did I see, but Jennie Finch!!! Jennie Finch is a 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist in women's softball! Her husband plays for the Red Wings. I couldn't believe someone that "famous" was in Rochester, but I swear she was!
I should take this time to mention that my beloved daughter had a horrid potty training relapse this past week!!! When we started our drive north, we put her in a pull up to avoid any accidents along I77!! We put her in her panties on Saturday, but she had about 5 accidents in a 4 hour span. So, we put her back in diapers for the rest of the week... I'm hoping this was just a locational issue & now that she is back home to her familiar surroundings, she'll go back to using the potty!
And lastly, Nana & Honey are my grandparents. My mother chose those names when I was first learning to talk & I've been calling them that ever since, although I normally call my grandfather Hon. When I was about 12 or so, I told Hon that I was getting too old to call him that & I would have to start calling him grandpa. He said OK but try as I might, I could never remember to call him that. I gave up trying after about a week and now, both of my kids call them these names too!!!