One boy in his class, wrote a letter to Henry that said, "Dear Henry, I like to play wih you Do you like to play wih me. On the play gand."
This however, was Henry's letter:
Dear Mr. Snowy,
I love you. You rock! Sorry you dont have a hat! :( like the others. but ill try to find a hat for you!!!!! but do you no if i should put you in the freezer? cause youre always so cold. even when you were on the rug. with me. and all the other kids. and you need cold very very cold water.
Sincerely, Henry
The next day, they were to make a penguin out of a paper plate - something that Henry could not get right, he said... he said that he couldn't get the penguin to look right and he got mad. So he wrote the following letter that day:
Dear Penguiin
Is it fine if i put your nose back on? You are absouloutley destroyable indeed. Well this despolourex of you i dont know. well I can't have same apporalocnes of penguin snacks. I expect your appolege [apology] of penguin disaster.
Love, Henry
Evil genius huh??