Peer pressure is a tough thing... and oddly, one we've already seen in our house. It was about 2 and 1/2 years ago. We had moved the kids to a new daycare (School 4) and Henry was in the preschool class, which at the time, consisted of 3, 4 and 5 year olds.
He was only 3 at that time and IN LOVE with Thomas the Train! I still remember the very first Thomas toys I bought him - Percy and the Tidmouth Shed. I had no idea how much time he'd spend with those trains. For the next two years, the trains, tracks, books, DVDs, games, PJs and t-shirts - we had everything Thomas (and I mean every train they made!) and Henry enjoyed every minute of it!
When he moved to preschool, the older boys weren't in to Thomas... they liked SuperHeros and slowly but surely, Henry's interest in Thomas faded. First he refused to wear the t-shirts, then stopped playing with the trains. When he told me he didn't like Thomas anymore, I was crushed. Not because of all the money I spent, I'd definitely gotten my money out of it, but a piece of his childhood was ending... he was growing up and moving on and that made me sad. Brad then gave all our Thomas treasures to his friend, for their little boy to use.... and Thomas was gone.
Not long after that, I bought Henry a Spiderman t-shirt - only because it was on sale mind you. When I showed it to him, he said, "Oh good. Now I can play with Jeffrey & Ethan." That is when I knew! Peer pressure in preschool!
I was OUTRAGED... mostly by the fact that some child would not play with my precious cherub simply because of the shirt he wore! How dare they! I secretly vowed some type of revenge on those boys, although I didn't even know who they were as I did not have drop off or pick up duties. I do feel like a lion when it comes to my cubs... perhaps that is why I ran to the computer and surfed the net until I was able to purchase 2 more Spiderman t-shirts & a sweatshirt?!?
I felt bad for Henry though, that he gave up something he really liked, to hang out with the cool kids... and then that "feeling bad" turned to worry... peer pressure in preschool? Seriously? I mean today Thomas but in a few years, drugs? Brad of course, thought I had lost my ever lovin' mind!
Which is why I am so glad that the kids recently found a Thomas matching game in the play room...
We have had to play at least 2-3 games every night before bed... and when I was able to DVR an episode of Thomas from TV, well I was a hero! The kids loved it and suddenly, all they both could talk about was Thomas! That's when I knew we needed to get our trains back from Brad's friend... I should be embarrassed about that right? Taking back my things? I actually was only for a minute - I mean even if the kids weren't suddenly mad over Thomas, these were toys I'd have to keep forever... such a big part of his childhood that I could never have 'given' away... merely loaned out. I'm right on this right?
The trains were delivered this past Saturday and you would have thought it was Christmas! I overheard Henry say, "I love these trains!" You would not believe how excited they have been - even Kyra knows who all the trains are! They both play with the trains as soon as they wake up, before they go to bed, and almost all day in between!

I'm secretly glad that Thomas is back... I've really missed him.