So this morning, after Daddy made a great breakfast, we headed out for our party supplies. After lunch, we went outside to paint on the sidewalk - a huge hit! Normally we just do sidewalk chalk, but the paint was the most fun!

We then went inside to cool off and played "Build a Man" which is just like Hangman, only less violent sounding. No lie - Henry is REALLY good at this game! Then we went back outside and Henry and Brad played baseball while Kyra and I played on the swing set (after baking chocolate chip cookies that is).
After our party fun, we made our own pizzas... the kids LOVED this!! They were so excited with this "project!"

They were glued to the oven door, watching their pizza bake!

The final result, which I must tell you, was VERY good!

Henry decided then that he & Kyra should open a pizza restaurant... either way, we will definitely be doing this with them again!

After pizza, we all got into our PJs and watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark." This was Henry's request... he is actually still watching it with Brad as I type... ahh, what a great party day!