2010 has started off BUSY! I've worked every weekend this year, taking only Saturdays off to go to dance, basketball games, grocery store, do laundry, etc. So imagine how excited I was when it started to snow on Friday and I knew I wouldn't be working over the weekend???
But here is the thing about being "snowed in" - I think it is only really fun when you actually have something to do! When you don't have to do anything, being snowed in feels more like being trapped... like a rat. Maybe that is just me?
The kids (and dogs) totally enjoyed the snow though! After last year's snow, I made it a point to get them real gloves, jackets and hats... forgot about the boots though so their poor little feet were SOAKED and FROZEN! I felt bad about that... but Lands End will be delivering two pair by the end of the week, so we should be set should it snow again this year!!!