On Friday, we met my mom & her family for breakfast. Henry seemed much better, but after waiting an hour for cold food, he got half way through his pancakes & looked like he might be sick again, so I raced him out of there. He rested on the couch for a few hours and then my excellent parenting skills kicked in and we took the kids to a 4th of July parade... an hour in the hot sun probably wasn't a great idea, because Henry wanted to leave 20 minutes in to it and then proceeded to fall sleep at 6pm.
But going to the parade gave me a chance to see Melissa again as we went with her, Katelyn & Emma. And the parade was actually pretty cool - lots of drum & bugle corps and politicians running for re-election, but they all threw out candy to the kids, which was a big hit!
My dad made us goulash for dinner (which is a ritual whether I go there or he comes here, as I LOVE his goulash) and we started to pack up for the ride home.
Around 2am this morning, Henry woke up and was crying, but yet trying very hard NOT to cry. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "I don't want to leave New York." It seems the week of extreme fun coming to an end was breaking his little heart.... I decided then that I probably needed to get back to Rochester more than once a year. It really is so hard trying to pack so much in to one week; there are just too many people to see & things to do! Well, actually, it is that blasted Children's Museum!!!
We left Rochester at 6:45 this morning & I'm happy to say, got home at 6:30 this evening!!! Despite begging me for a new present every hour (the magazine didn't mention what to do when the kids catch on to the fact that you have a stash of toys in the front seat), the kids were actually very good & even managed to take cat naps. We stopped only for gas and bathroom breaks! When we got home, Henry said, "Mommy, I had fun in NY, but I'm glad to be back at my house." Me too!!!
1 comment:
Sounds like the family had a blast! Welcome home!
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