Monday, August 25, 2008

My First Lunch

I just packed my very first school lunch:  1/2 peanut butter sandwich, string cheese, mandarin orange fruit cup, 2 Oreos, goldfish and Scooby snacks... clearly I had no idea what Henry would feel like eating, so I just threw in a little of everything.  I can't believe tomorrow is my son's first day of school!  I think I'm actually kind of excited... I mean as I sit to type this out, I feel like crying, but that is only the first time today, so that's kind of good, right?

I've tried to prep Henry for the next week - how tomorrow will work, when I'll drop him off, when I'll pick him up, when he'll go back to School 4, what day would be his last there, etc.  I talked to him about homework and how he'd be expected to read something every day... that's what they told us anyway.  He said, "Mommy, what if we read the story about the pig and the spider?"  I thought he meant If You Give a Pig a Pancake but no, he meant Charlotte's Web.  So we sat down and took turns reading the first chapter... first he read a page & then I read a page... and when we were done, he told me he loved chapter books.  

I found myself wondering how many 5 year olds could read Charlotte's Web?  That's got to be a 2nd or 3rd grade reading level, don't you think?  I mean, clearly this child is ready for school... I just hope I still am at 7:00 tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh Danielle. Good luck. Henry will be okay. I'm sure he'll love it, and yes, it sounds like he is ready.