About 3 years ago, a co-worker of mine got me 2 Halloween costumes from his brother who works for Disney. One was Tigger, which Henry wore for 2 years and the other was Captain Hook. Henry is now big enough to wear the Captain Hook outfit & last year, after Halloween & marked down more than 60%, I bought Kyra a Tinkerbell costume. I'm very excited because I think they'll look SO cute and even more so because Henry WANTS to be a pirate.
However, I went to the new Super Target today & saw all of the costumes & began to wonder if Henry's school would allow them to dress up for Halloween.... and then I thought, if they did, do I want him to mess up Hook? What if he loses the hat, the wig or the hook? Most days he forgets to bring home his water bottle, so a costume doesn't really stand much of a chance.
Clearly, the child does not need two costumes, and if I was smart, I would have waited to see what the school was going to do before I showed it to him, but he was SO EXCITED to see it and he begged me to let him try it on... I couldn't resist the preview!!
I must agree with Henry. That costume is pretty awesome! Hey... were you at MY Target?
No - the new one at exit 18 by Northlake Mall.... looks just like the one in M-ville though!
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