Today we decided to have another Arts & Crafts Day... even Daddy got into the action & made Henry a very cool picture of 2 football players facing off over the football. Henry used a sticker to put the football down in the middle of the page & Daddy did the rest. With that, they were both done w/ Arts & Crafts Day.
Kyra on the other hand, used the new stamps, and got crazy with (thankfully) washable paint. She painted for about a half hour. She required some serious clean-up afterwards, but it was worth it.
When we were done with that, Henry went to his computer to check on all the football games... this is something he does every Sunday afternoon & Monday evening... he logs on to NFL.com and watches the replays of every game. Then for the rest of the week, he reminds us who played who and what the score was. Scary Genius that one there!!!
Meanwhile, Kyra & Daddy (and Hobbies) opted to rest & eat a snack.
And what did I do??? I baked my children some chocolate chip cookies AND made them some mini muffins for their morning snack! So domestic I was this afternoon!!!
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