Saturday, November 15, 2008

Night Time Twist

Henry and Daddy went to their last ASU game of the season today... and froze their hineys off!  Henry normally NEVER wants to leave a football game early, but he was ready to go after half-time.  They had a good time & Appalachian did win, but when they got home at 7:30, they were both exhausted.

Kyra and I spent the afternoon playing at Sydney's and once again I forgot my camera.  But they had a great time - played outside in Sydney's "house," painted, played Guess Who and Hi Ho Cheerio, and only got into an almost heated battle over a Sesame Street light up, spinning Elmo toy once.  When we left there, we went out for an early dinner and did a little shopping at the Super WalMart (with approximately 5,000 other people)!!!  She never fell asleep once - I couldn't believe it.

So at 8pm, after watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I knew they were both very tired.  Kyra wanted a sleep over in Henry's room.  He did not.  She wouldn't stop crying and he refused to budge.  So, I let them go to sleep in my bed - they were very excited.  I layed down with them to ensure they went right to sleep... they did, but not before doing the oddest thing.

I closed my eyes & pretended to be sleeping, but actually kept one eye ever so slightly open to see what they would do.  Oddly, both pick their nose before falling asleep.  It was the strangest thing... Kyra was doing a thorough review of her nostrils one second, and the very next, she was out cold.  Henry alternated sucking his two middle fingers on his left hand, while rubbing his left ear with his right hand (his normal ritual) with checking out his nose... then he rolled over & snuggled under the covers... he did this twice before I left the room.

Should I be concerned about this I wonder???  It is totally natural for kids to do this right???

1 comment:

Katie said...