Now, when we got off Peter Pan's ride, Henry said he did not feel good... his tummy hurt, he had to "go" to the bathroom and then he didn't even want to wait in line for 20 minutes (our longest wait for a character) to meet Ariel.

The kids LOVED Toon Town! Mickey and Minnie's house is in there so we went to Minnie's house first - so cute!
Her living room...
Her kitchen...
They were doing a dance on our way in to Mickey's house, but his house was kind of under renovation so not as charming as Minnie's...
Toon Town also has a little play area for the kids to play in and Donald's Boat... it is this huge boat that has water coming out of it - the kids seriously LOVED this thing! They spent an hour trying to run from the water, or in Kyra's case, trying to get hit by the water!
She was soaking wet by the time we left the Boat - I had to buy her a new dress! Note Henry's new shirt above (to replace the one he threw up on).
The last ride in Toon Town was a kiddie roller coaster - Kyra's first roller coaster ride ever. She absolutely LOVED it! She laughed & squealed through the entire ride! We had to ride it 2 times.

On Saturday around 7:45am, we were packed and about to go in to the hotel restaurant for breakfast when Kyra threw up on me. This did NOT bode well for our 9 hour ride home. She was either throwing up or sleeping the entire way home - poor thing.
But by 4pm, we were back in Cornelius and her stomach bug had passed. I spent the next 4 hours doing laundry and unpacking while Henry played Wii and Kyra ate almost everything in site!
Our Disney Vacation is over... it was a great trip and one I hope the kids will always remember!!
1 comment:
Wow! It looks like you all had so much fun! I'm glad the kids are both feeling better. I love how Henry didn't like getting kissed! So funny!
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