Well, we did it. Henry and I survived the first day of first grade. If I knew how to do this, I would somehow link a word in this sentence that would automatically take you to the post I did one year ago regarding his first day of KDG... so you could read how excited he was to go and how extremely happy he was when I picked him up. I did not get the same reaction for 1st grade.
He was up at 5:45am with an upset stomach - poor guy was so full of nerves. When I picked him up he said, "First grade is really hard. You can't even talk or you'll get in trouble." On the ride home, he was clearly searching for words so I said, "First grade is a lot different than Kindergarten, huh?" He said, "Yeah... I miss Kindergarten."
He then informed me, that per his friend Matthew, he can't wear crocs anymore. I assume this is because Matthew was wearing a new pair of sneakers & despite the fact that I did buy Henry sneakers, he prefers crocs... yet I got the feeling that he felt left out because he wasn't wearing new shoes. I could be totally blowing this out of proportion and spent the next 1/2 hour talking to him about peer pressure and doing & wearing what HE wanted, not what his friends wanted... when I asked him what he would do if his friends had drugs, he said, "I'm just talking about shoes here."
I didn't cry this morning at all... but now, reflecting on all the things he said (some good like how funny his teacher was and some not so good as noted above), I feel sad... is the excitement for school gone? Was he unhappy today? Maybe it is just first day jitters? Maybe by next week, he'll love first grade more than Kindergarten?
So many questions for the first grade...