Born roughly 8 weeks ago
Currently weighing 8lb
Born roughly 8 weeks ago
Currently weighing 8lb

We adopted him from the Greenville Humane Society... long story on why we drove 1.5 hours away when there is a Mecklenburg Humane Society about 20 minutes from us, but let me say this - if you receive an email from Animal Control showing pictures of puppies and their Date For Euthanization - do NOT open the email!!!
Henry fell IN LOVE with this puppy at first sight and even chose his name. Poor Brad REALLY wanted to name him Indiana (and call him Indy)... Kyra wanted to name him "Pink Pinkalicious" and no, I did not type 'pink' two times by accident.
Since Kyra's name was not an option, I was the deciding vote. Is it any surpise what name I chose?
1 comment:
Spike is very, very cute!
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