10:45pm After doing some online shopping, I retire to bed and move Kyra to her own room. Henry's bed is like a bunk bed and I'm not interested in heaving him up, so I decide to let him sleep with me.
11:30pm I've been kicked about 5 times while watching TVLand... I debate getting out of bed & moving the Boy, but I am too lazy to do so. I decide it wont be that bad.
Every Hour on the Hour I am kicked by the Boy.
3:30am I am awoken by the Girl - tapping repeatedly on my arm... she would like to sleep with me. I put her between the Boy and I.
4:30am Boy has been kicking Girl and I have attempted to stop him... I lose what's left of my patience and move the Boy to his own bed. He is not happy and attempts to throw a hissy fit, but luckily is still half asleep. He falls back to sleep in his own bed. I rejoice on my way back to my own bed.
5;15am I lie awake for 45 minutes and decide I am mad at Brad... who is asleep on the couch downstairs because our dog slipped a disc in his back & neck. Brad opted to sleep downstairs with the Dog so he wouldn't be alone.... I envy both the Dog & Brad.
7:05am The Puppy wakes up... I take him downstairs & pass Brad asleep on the couch... as I step outside in 40 degrees to let the dogs out, I think about kicking Brad...
1 comment:
Ha ha!!!! I totally hear you! This will be my future, I'm sure.
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