Today we took Grandpa to the Lazy 5 Ranch. We took Henry there about 2 or 3 years ago... he HATED it. The emus came up to the car window to get some food, and he freaked right out! Started screaming & crying! This trip was MUCH better! He LOVED it!
The first thing he wanted to do was feed the donkeys and then the goats! He was so fascinated by this - he loved the fact that the goats went wherever he went & he even let them eat the food right out of his hand!! Kyra, on the other hand, wanted NO part of feeding anything. She didn't cry, but she was very leery of the animals and wouldn't really get too close to anything. Then we drove through the "safari" and saw all kinds of animals - pot belly pigs, rhino, deer! Kyra only wanted to see the zebras & Henry wanted to see the giraffes. Both wanted Grandpa to feed everything - even the emus!! It was so much fun - I can't wait to go back!
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