So remember I said we spent the day outside riding bikes? Well, Henry got a new bike recently... while preparing for the Trike-A-Thon, an event he unfortunately missed because he had his 5 year check up, we realized he had outgrown his bike. So we bought him a new one and gave his old one to Kyra.
Henry took to his new bike, complete with a hand brake, like a champ!! He loved it! He was a bit afraid to take corners, but found that riding into the grass & near the tree worked very well in avoiding them.
Wanting desperately to be like Henry, Kyra put on her bike helmet (another hand-me-down from her big brother) and got on her "new" bike. Here's the thing - she doesn't really know how to ride a bike... or a big wheel for that matter. And it's funny - I clearly remember my uncle teaching me how to ride a bike without training wheels - but the concept of pedaling is not one I remember ever learning... or even ever having to teach Henry. Now, she is only 25 months old, so maybe I'm being irrational here, but try as I might, I could not teach this child how to ride this little bike. I was walking all bent over, trying to push her feet against the pedal and talking her through the motions, but she either didn't get it, or had no desire to do it. Luckily, she became bored with the bike at about the same time I was about to give up on my teaching efforts.
I'm glad I have this blog though... because I know in a few weeks (or months? UGH) - she will figure out how to pedal... and I'll be able to remember every little detail of her accomplishment.
1 comment:
Thank you for the step-by-step instructions on getting here to leave a comment!
Your children are adorable and looks like everyone was having a good time learning to ride bikes and enjoying the Carowinds. Wish I could have been there to see the look of excitement on their faces!!!! Thanks for sharing - Merry
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