Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Call Me Betty

I was going to take Henry to the grocery store tomorrow, after I picked him up from school, to pick out a birthday cake for Daddy... but then I figured that I could make one for a whole lot less... and given that Daddy works for Wachovia (for now that is), I decided to be frugal!

The kids really love to bake - I think it's because I let them lick the bowl.  The cake may be from a box, but I'm going to make homemade chocolate frosting... thankfully the kids are now in bed, because they'd be brown if I let them lick that bowl!

In unrelated news, Henry got his first "Mid Term Progress Report Card" today.  They are graded with a 1, 2 or 3 - 3 being the highest.  Henry got a 3 in everything!  Interestingly, they seem to think he "exceeds expectations" in Writing, but only "meets expectations" in Reading... odd don't you think, given that he's been reading for over a year now?  I'm going to let this go though & will wait for 1st week of November, which is Parent / Teacher Conference time!!!


Katie said...

Good job Henry! And I bet that cake will be delicious, Betty!

Anonymous said...

I was so impressed you were going to bake, that is until I saw the box-tacky dude!
Love you!