This coming Friday is "Bike Day" at Henry & Kyra's school. They are raising money for St. Jude's and having a "Bike-a-Thon." So yesterday, Henry said that he needed to practice riding his bike.
Now, he hasn't wanted to ride his bike in over a year and a half... we had gone for a walk one morning, Kyra was still in a stroller and Henry was on his bike. Even with training wheels, he was not the best bike rider. He couldn't stop or get up any kind of hill. At one point, towards the end of the walk thankfully, he started going pretty fast. I can still see the scene in my mind - he was speeding down the sidewalk, screaming & crying like a girl, because he couldn't stop and Brad was chasing after him. I was behind them, pushing the stroller & I admit, laughing my you-know-what off!!! I know I should not have been laughing at my son, but you should have seen and heard this site!!!
I'm very happy to report that yesterday's practice session went great! Daddy had to adjust the seat, but Henry could turn, brake, go up hills - everything! I was so proud! Here are a few pictures from the day... Kyra, as you can see, did NOT want to be left out of the action!
Now, who wants to sponsor my son?
1 comment:
I'd love to sponsor Henry. Please send me an e-mail so I know what to do? Thanks!
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