Monday, February 21, 2011

Where has the time gone???

Hmmm... guess I've been a little lax with the ol' blog huh? Sad... here are pics from the last few months!

Yesterday, I took the kiddies to Imaginon to see the play "If you take a mouse to school." Kyra of course wanted to get dressed up... Henry was happy in his sweats!

On Saturday, we took the kids skiing & snow tubing for the first time. It was 70 degrees here in Charlotte, but we drove 3 hours north to WV for snow. Brilliant! The kids were NOT a fan of skiing but loved tubing!

Our annual Superbowl party was a success - kids wore green/yellow to support the Packers!

Below are pics from our first snow of the year here in Charlotte - kids got 3.5 days off of school because of this!

And then Christmas - first pic below is a pic of the kids with my dad. Second to the last pic is of Henry with his most favorite gift of the year!