Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy 10th Anniversary to Me!

So 10 years ago on October 16, 1999 Brad and I were married. I had to scan this picture in because they didn't have digital cameras then! HA - The horror!!!

We sent the kiddies to my in-laws and spent the weekend in Savannah, Ga. We had a lot of fun, despite the very cold temperature! 10 degrees colder than normal - yuck!

Here we are at the Isiah Davenport House.

OK, I love Paula, but no way am I standing in line to be told what time to come back to eat! There were people in line at 9.30 in the morning! Craziness - this picture will have to do... I looked in the windows though - didn't see her or either son!

River Street at 9:30am - no one is there which is great, but oddly, only stores open are candy stores! Brad rediscovered his love of peanut brittle and I attempted to buy the kids caramel apples, but they did NOT travel well!

Yes, I spent my anniversary weekend at a Train Museum - do not ask me why!

This was my favorite part of the weekend - a horse drawn carriage ride around the city! Thankfully, we had wine and blankets!!

We've had a great 10 years!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Teeth & Blue Tongues

We've had a very busy week here... Henry FINALLY lost his very first tooth! He already has 2 adult teeth growing in on the bottom and just a week or so ago, the baby teeth in front were not loose AT ALL! I actually made an appointment with the dentist to pull the baby teeth because the adult teeth had grown in so far. Guess I'll be canceling that appointment.

This tooth seemed like it became loose over night & then stayed loose FOREVER! He would not let anyone near it... which is kind of good because the thought of pulling it out made me want to hurl. I tried to bribe a few teachers at school to do it, but he wouldn't hear of it.

On Wednesday (October 7) he was fiddling with it at After School - using his tongue - and it just fell out. He was BEYOND excited!!! I think I'll always remember this because I was stuck at work until 9pm that night. I had to hear all about the tooth over the phone and it broke my heart. The tooth fairy was pretty generous though - $3... likely due to guilt!

On Saturday, Kyra and I had a total girl day. I raced to get her to gymnastics at 10am, only to discover that it ended last week... so we went and had our toes & nails painted... she chose orange as you can see below.

Then we met Kyra's best bud Sydney & her mom for lunch before heading to Disney on Ice. I was not prepared for the total chill in the arena due to the ice and if that wasn't enough, could not understand the fascination with the Snow Cone... I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the $15 Tinkerbell mug it came in! The girls rather enjoyed the color it turned their tongues too!

Here's a few pics from the show...

In other news - Henry had his first flag football game and sadly lost by a touch down. I'm told that all the boys took the defeat well EXCEPT for Henry! The kid has a serious competitive streak!!! No idea where he gets that from...