Friday, January 30, 2009

Letters From Henry

For the past month, Henry's class has been learning about things that are cold and how to write a letter.  Each child was given a piece of paper that said, "Dear ___" at the top and "Sincerely, ____" at the bottom.

One boy in his class, wrote a letter to Henry that said, "Dear Henry, I like to play wih you Do you like to play wih me. On the play gand."

This however, was Henry's letter:
Dear Mr. Snowy,
I love you.  You rock!  Sorry you dont have a hat!  :(  like the others. but ill try to find a hat for you!!!!!  but do you no if i should put you in the freezer? cause youre always so cold. even when you were on the rug. with me. and all the other kids. and you need cold very very cold water.
Sincerely,  Henry

The next day, they were to make a penguin out of a paper plate - something that Henry could not get right, he said... he said that he couldn't get the penguin to look right and he got mad.  So he wrote the following letter that day:
Dear Penguiin
Is it fine if i put your nose back on?  You are absouloutley destroyable indeed.  Well this despolourex of you i dont know. well I can't have same apporalocnes of penguin snacks. I expect your appolege [apology] of penguin disaster.
Love, Henry

Evil genius huh??

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cleaning Lady

While "vacuuming" our floor today, Kyra could be overheard saying, "Daddy, I'm cleaning this floor for you because it is disgusting."  Then I heard her say, "This floor is filthy."  

Does this sound like something a child about to turn 3 should say???


The only purpose of today's post is to show you some of the really cute things I have purchased for Kyra recently.  Why you ask?  Well as mentioned, they are really cute... but also, "The Children's Place" might be one of my new favorite places to shop - when they have a sale that is.  I got this outfit - to include the shoes & headband (which she likes!) all for $18!!

Now, this just cracked me up, because if you remember, I once posted a similar pic of Henry... but check out the shoes - they have ballet shoes on them!  Aren't they adorable!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last night after bath, the kids were all dried off, not yet dressed, but standing in front of the bathroom mirror waiting to brush their teeth. I looked down at Kyra and she had each of her index fingers over her little boobies. Here is our conversation:

Mommy: Kyra, what are you doing?

Kyra: Playing with my dots.... Henry, do you want to play with your dots?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bill & Madge Shelby

When I started working for Bank of America in 1995, I worked in the tax department and every year, Madge would temp for us during tax season. Her job was to mail out all of the tax forms we prepared... a temp job she'd been doing for probably the past 20+ years!

I adored Madge - other than her gray hair, you'd never know she was in her 60s! She moved fast and hated to sit still. She was sweet and fun and she took me to/from the airports whenever I was going home and always had a stash of Hershey Kisses close by! I ate lunch with her almost every Friday of her temporary assignment - some 10+ years!!!

In 1997, she was diagnosed with cancer, but had radiation and went into remission. She & Bill attended my wedding in 1999 and my surprise 30th birthday party in March 2002! She was SO excited when I got pregnant with Henry four months later. In what was one of the saddest days of my pregnancy (or even this decade), her cancer came back and she died in November of 2002. When I went to her funeral, her husband Bill turned to me and said, "She wanted so badly to meet your baby." I think of her often - especially when college basketball starts because she loved ACC teams and every year when we pull out the Christmas decorations, I unpack an empty Hershey Kiss tin that she gave me... I just can't part with it.

After her death, I kept in touch with Bill... at first with phone calls to see how he was doing, then just birth announcements and Christmas cards. I sent him one last month like I always do and today, I received in the mail a note from his dauther, who told me that Bill passed away last October - he had a rough time at the end and she was glad he was now in peace. She was sorry I didn't know, but thanked me for my friendship with her Dad.

So I'm writing this post tonight, through tears I can not stop, in memory of two very special people - Bill & Madge Shelby.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Spare Bedroom

One of Brad's projects over the last few weeks has been to fix up the spare bedroom - it has previously been Henry's nursery (when he was in a crib & painted light blue)... then it was a play room / spare bedroom combo, then it was just a play room and then it went back to being a spare bedroom, but with a single bed.  When we got Kyra's new furniture, we moved that twin bed into her room & got the full size mattress from storage (aka Brad's parent's house).

So, I purchased some new bedding, which let me just say was like 80% off or something - I paid $55 for the comforter, two pillow shams & bed skirt!!  Rather proud of myself with that.  Then we chose a new color & Brad painted.  He likes the color but thinks it is too glossy or satin or something - I don't know.  

Anyway, the kids enjoy sleeping in there every now & then so I let them do so the other day... imagine my surprise when I found that Hobbies had gone up to join them!!