Thursday, June 26, 2008

Graduation Day

Today was the first ever Pre K Graduation for School 4!!  It was to be from 2-4pm and we invited Ammy & Paw Paw to come too.  The kids walked in to the room, with their caps & gowns, Henry bringing up the rear!  Then they sang a song about a worm and yes, you guessed it, Henry played the worm.  Then Ms. Clara talked for a few minutes - mostly about how fast the last 6 months had flown by and how she'd never forget her first class.

Henry & Ms. Clara go way back - she used to work at the first daycare he ever went to when he was 10 weeks old and she a senior in high school... and since she lived one street over from us, she baby-sat him a couple of times - once calling us to come home because he wouldn't stop crying!  I wonder if he'll remember her.  I mean, he questions where she'll be when he goes to Kindergarten... he tells me that he loves her & will write her letters every day from Kindergarten... he counts the days until she returns from her vacations... I'd like to think he will.  I know we will!

After they got their diplomas, we had cake & then Henry asked if he could give Ms. Clara hug.... and by 2:45, we were done.  Henry's first graduation ceremony & celebration over in 45 minutes and another milestone in my son's life over.

Well, tomorrow we are off to Rochester, NY to visit the family.... back on July 6th.  Until then!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Picture Day

Yesterday, we had some pictures taken - trying to get a 2 year old & 5 year old to both smile at the same time is always much harder than I think it will be.  At one point, the photographer asked me if my kids were always this silly at home!  Hmm... wonder what she meant by that.  It was hard, but we were able to choose a few, to include the family photo to the left.  Here are a couple of other favorites!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Belated Father's Day!

On Sunday, I had high hopes of letting the kids make their Daddy breakfast - I thought it would be so fun to see what they came up with... however, I really didn't want to get out of bed and instead let Brad make us all biscuits.   Oh well - at least I had 2 cards waiting for him & a chocolate chip cookie cake that Henry had chosen the night before... the kids were very excited when their Daddy let them have some cake for breakfast!

We spent the afternoon at Ammy & Paw Paw's - celebrating cousin Jessica's 8th birthday and eating some fried fish that Paw Paw caught on his last fishing trip.  It was delicious!!

Here are some pictures from our day!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I love hydrangeas.  They are one of my favorite flowers... Brad bought me a hydrangea plant after I had Henry - brought it up to my hospital room.  Sadly, it did not survive long once we took it home (thankfully, Henry fared  much better).  I'll admit, we do NOT have a green thumb.  We've killed a glorious ficus tree, a thriving rosemary plant, and countless house plants.  So when we moved to this house 4 years ago, and Brad wanted to plant hydrangea shrubs (or bushes?), I was skeptical.  I was sure they'd never last... but Brad actually loves to plant stuff outside - true the crepe myrtle in the corner of the lot aren't faring that well, but I haven't given up hope on them just yet.

To my surprise, the hydrangeas have flourished in our back yard!  Each year, the flowers multiply, turn more purplish-blue than the year before and the plant continues to spread... 

I'm trying not to give up hope on my parenting skills either - hoping that I'll be equally surprised at how my children turn out.  You see, they have seriously tested me all weekend long!!!  Henry gets mad when told not to do something, or when games/toys don't go his way and he spits, throws & bites things (thankfully, he only bites the toys).  The spiting, throwing & biting happened at least 3 times in a 24 hour period.  Kyra destroyed Henry's Disney autograph  book... she also refused "quiet time" and in protest, removed her diaper and went #2 in her crib!  Neither child used good table manners at dinner and were caught jumping on the bed at least 15 times throughout the day, despite being told twice as many times NOT to!!  

Maybe it's the heat and I was cranky?  Maybe they are just being kids?  Maybe I've watched one too many episodes of A&E's Intervention & am paranoid that what they'll remember is my yelling at them all weekend and eventually turn to drugs...  Or maybe learning to listen and use good manners is just as hard as learning patience and good parenting skills?  Hopefully we'll all do as well as the Hydrangeas outside.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Potty Training Weekend; Day 2 - 2:10pm

Subject continues to use potty when asked & has only had one accident.  In unrelated news, we finally found someone to fix our shower doors (in the newly tiled master bathroom, of which we still have been unable to use).  Mr. Lopez just installed the doors - we'll be able to use the shower tomorrow!!!  HAPPY DAY all the way around!!!!

Potty Training Weekend; Day 2 - 9:25am

Subject woke at 6:30am in a rather pleasant mood, which was expected given her 11.5 hours of sleep.  When asked if she wanted to wear her panties, she said yes and chose a lovely DORA pattern.  

Subject then played for 1/2 hour... when asked if she had to go potty, she responded yes & went!

After breakfast, Subject was asked if she had to go potty; she responded yes & went!!

At 9am, Subject was asked again if she had to go potty;  she responded yes & went!!!  Subject was then rewarded with a new Cinderella chapstick in recognition of her accident free morning....

As I enter Subject's progress, I hear the familiar grunting of an impending "movement."  I rush to her and discover that while she'd had a liquid accident, I am able to get her on the potty before a non-liquid accident, if you catch my drift.  Subject & I look through the STAR magazine while she "does her business" and Subject takes an interest in pictures of Angelina, Shiloh and Jessica Alba.  Subject has no problem "doing her business" in the potty and even comments that it is disgusting.