Sunday, June 1, 2008

Potty Training Weekend; Day 2 - 9:25am

Subject woke at 6:30am in a rather pleasant mood, which was expected given her 11.5 hours of sleep.  When asked if she wanted to wear her panties, she said yes and chose a lovely DORA pattern.  

Subject then played for 1/2 hour... when asked if she had to go potty, she responded yes & went!

After breakfast, Subject was asked if she had to go potty; she responded yes & went!!

At 9am, Subject was asked again if she had to go potty;  she responded yes & went!!!  Subject was then rewarded with a new Cinderella chapstick in recognition of her accident free morning....

As I enter Subject's progress, I hear the familiar grunting of an impending "movement."  I rush to her and discover that while she'd had a liquid accident, I am able to get her on the potty before a non-liquid accident, if you catch my drift.  Subject & I look through the STAR magazine while she "does her business" and Subject takes an interest in pictures of Angelina, Shiloh and Jessica Alba.  Subject has no problem "doing her business" in the potty and even comments that it is disgusting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Letting her read trash magazines already? Neener