Sunday, January 4, 2009

Spare Bedroom

One of Brad's projects over the last few weeks has been to fix up the spare bedroom - it has previously been Henry's nursery (when he was in a crib & painted light blue)... then it was a play room / spare bedroom combo, then it was just a play room and then it went back to being a spare bedroom, but with a single bed.  When we got Kyra's new furniture, we moved that twin bed into her room & got the full size mattress from storage (aka Brad's parent's house).

So, I purchased some new bedding, which let me just say was like 80% off or something - I paid $55 for the comforter, two pillow shams & bed skirt!!  Rather proud of myself with that.  Then we chose a new color & Brad painted.  He likes the color but thinks it is too glossy or satin or something - I don't know.  

Anyway, the kids enjoy sleeping in there every now & then so I let them do so the other day... imagine my surprise when I found that Hobbies had gone up to join them!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Aww! That's too cute!