Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lots o'Pictures From Last 2 Weeks

Kyra started at her new school last week. She was so excited on her first day - she wanted me to take a picture of her, holding up her first finger, just like I did on Henry's first day. I didn't have the heart to tell her that in Henry's picture, the one finger was for first grade! She seems to really like her new school - it is much smaller and church based, so we are learning a lot of new Christmas songs!

Everyone was excited for Saturday night's Appalachian football game (especially Brad).

On Sunday, we went to Henry's final flag football game. It was FREEZING outside & I was so happy that basketball starts this week... what with it being an indoor sport and all!

Henry is insanely proud of that trophy!!

Our Christmas Tree - we finally got it up and decorated this past Sunday.

What you can't see are all of the naked spots on some parts of the tree and the lovely cluster of ornaments on other parts of the tree... my children hung all the ornaments!

She loves this dog... he's free to a good home though!

To think he only weighed 8lbs 4 months ago!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love the picture of Henry above the one with him and the trophy. He looks so happy!

Merry Christmas!