Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Leaf Pile

Today's Blog has been written by Henry & Kyra James:

Henry: There was a LOT of leaves in the front yard but not in the back. It was the best time of our whole lives. We raked, jumped, cleaned up after we were done. We used our hands, to put the leaves in the bags and made a pile so we could jump in them.

Kyra: We love you because we put our things away and our dad said that we are good and we get to have some money. And then we jumped in it. Now we are in the house and that is it!

Henry: It was very fun. We got COVERED in leaves! I even covered Kyra! She covered me too! After that, then we started to clean up. It was still very fun but there was lots of leaves. And that is the end of the story that happened to us this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

That was VERY responsible.


Katie said...

LOVE it!!!! I may steal your idea one day!!!!!!!!!

My favorites are, "It was the best time of our whole lives." and, "...we are good and we get to have some money."