Monday, May 25, 2009

Perfect Fun

My friend always tells me I have "the perfect family," presumably because I have been married to the same man for almost 10 years and we have one boy, one girl, one dog, one cat, American flag out front, white picket fence out back, we are attempting to grow a vegetable garden and until recently drove a mini-van.  

This weekend, we added a Badminton Set to the yard... and as I was making this purchase, I thought about that comment & began to wonder if by "perfect" my friend meant total dorks!!!


Brad said...

Admitting you are a dork is the first step toward recovery.

Judi said...

Long live dorks! Dorks rule!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You forgot that the perfect family includes the boy being older than the girl (which, OMG you have!) And Badminton is way cool, slightly dorky only if you brought it home in a minivan wearing matching Mickey shirts. Since you ditched the van- i say you are one step closer to coolness.

love, your friend

Katie said...

If that is the definition of dork then I want to be a dork too.