Saturday, March 22, 2008

Play Time

We spent our morning playing today.  First Kyra let me play with her hair (notice the beautiful up-do that actually lasted much longer than I anticipated).  Then we went outside & played with bubbles, side walk chalk and the swing! 
I am bound & determined to figure out a way to post a video of them on this blog, but I am not having much luck.  I took a video of them on the swing, but with my digital camera & try as I may, I can't figure out how to download it (so many error messages!).  But the kids were squealing with delight while on the tire - saying "Whoa!" and "Yikes!"  It was too cute!  You'll have to settle for action shots for now!

1 comment:

Katie said...

LOVE Kyra's hairdo! SO CUTE!