Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day, Part Two

Since I was able to work from home today, I picked Henry up at 4pm... I just couldn't wait any longer.  He was in the gym, playing basketball... well, trying to make a basket really.  He ran over to me and said, "This was the best day ever.  I love kindergarten!"  I asked him to tell me all about it, but he said to wait until we got to the car.

When we got to the car, I asked him what his favorite thing was about KDG and he said, "Playing Basketball."  Given that was not exactly school, I asked what he liked about Mrs. Fentress's class.  He told me how he played with blocks, listened for noises in his ear, read letters, wrote his name and then said, "But Mommy, there was one really bad part.... we had to read the lunch menu into a microphone in front of everyone, but I was too nervous so I just showed them pictures."

Now, I'm not exactly sure how true that is or what all was involved with that last one.  I know that today was more of an evaluation day - they wanted to see where the kids were in their reading, writing, etc... and it would appear that they had some interesting ways of testing the kids... why they didn't just ask the parents, I do not know!  :)

So today was a total success and to top off the night, I asked Henry if he wanted to snuggle in my bed.  He said that if I snuggled with him, "it would make his dreams come true."  So at 7:55pm, I brought him up to my bed and was brushing my teeth before I joined him... by the time I was done, he was out cold... sound asleep... completely exhausted by his first day of school!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Make his dreams come true??? I'm melting! =)