Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day

Well, we did it!  I am so proud of Henry - he was SO EXCITED this morning!!!  His alarm went off at 6:10am, he immediately got out of bed, turned it off, went to the bathroom, got dressed & brushed his teeth.  Then we came downstairs, he had his vitamin, a bagel w/ cream cheese and at 6:45 told me he was ready to go to school... I had to hold him off though - mostly for a few pictures.  I really wanted to take my camera to school, but I didn't want to embarrass the boy!

When we got in the car, he said, "Mommy, this is going to be the best day ever."  The car pool drop off line was a bit longer than I expected, but as long as we leave the house by 7am, we will be totally fine.  I walked him in of course and honestly, I think he was eager for me to leave.  He put his lunch box & water bottle in his cubby and hung up his back-pack and then went to a table with dry erase markers and sat down with the only other child there.  He looked at me and said, "Bye."

And OK, I admit - my eyes filled up with tears, but I quickly said good-bye and walked out (using the side door of the school for my even quicker exit).  Oh sure, I'm crying a bit now, but I'll be OK... and I've never been more proud of my son!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Awww! I can't wait to hear what Henry has to say about school at the end of his first day! =) What a big boy!